You can make a difference for Thetas on #GivingTuesday by joining Theta Foundation's Ambassador team. Ambassadors share their social networks for the day and help Theta Foundation reach the thousands of members and friends of Theta all over the world by posting on social media. Signing up to be an Ambassador is quick and easy, and we will provide you with resources to have an impact!
Not sure if you want to serve as an ambassador? Watch this quick five-minute training on how easy the ambassador process can be!
We are excited to announce the items you can receive based on your fundraising efforts!
1. Raise $300 and you will receive the Theta sleep mask!
2. Raise $800 and you will receive the Theta ambassador mug!
3. Raise $1,500 and you will receive the Theta blanket!
*Note if you raise $1,500, you will receive all three items: the sleep mask, mug, & blanket!